May 29, 2023

Influencers to follow for Data analyst job preparation on LinkedIn

If you’re looking to brush up on all things data analytics, then LinkedIn certainly has no shortage of content.

Plugging into the right communities on LinkedIn can deliver a treasure trove of insights on what’s new in data analytics and science, career advice, and latest tips, and how it connects to ML/AI initiatives. But for all the nuggets of wisdom, there’s a lot of noise to sift through.

Fortunately for you, we’ve done the hard work for you. Read on for the top 25 data analytics and science connections on LinkedIn so you can easily find the information you’re looking for and fill your homepage with meaningful content.

Here’s the criteria we looked at when creating this list (not all need to apply):

  • Clear passion for data analytics and science
  • Contributing to open source or building commercial products
  • # of LinkedIn followers
  • Frequency of posting and engagement with posted content
  • Diversity of representation

As a reminder, this is not a forced ranked or exhaustive list. If you think we missed someone, please comment and we’ll update it for 2023. 🙂

1. Jay Feng

Jay Feng is a well experienced Data Scientist who has previously worked in companies leveraging data science. He co-founded Interview query which is a data science learning and interview prep tool designed by data scientists. You can browse and select the Data analyst interview prep and you will notice most of the skills of data science overlaps with the data analyst role. I highly recommend checking out his website.

2. Nick Singh

Nick is the author of the book "Ace the Data Science Interview" and is a well-known figure in the data science community. Singh is a data scientist and consultant with extensive experience in the field of data science and he has previously worked at Google and Facebook. He is the founder of, an online free SQL FAANG interview prep website. He regularly posts on LinkedIn about various questions and tips for data science/ analyst jobs. He is sure to be followed.

3. Alex Freberg

With over 200K+ followers on LinkedIn Alex Freberg or better known as “Alex The Analyst” on youtube has garnered a lot of attention with his beginner friendly Data Analytics tutorials on YouTube. He is the founder of Alex Analytics LLC and regularly posts about analytics on his LinkedIn and twitter pages. I highly recommend his YouTube channel to learn Data Analysis.

4. Martin Keen

Martin Keen is the Manager of IBM training department and a Video content creator. He has created a ton of technical content consisting of data science and analytics which he regularly posts on LinkedIn. His videos are published in IBM technology’s YouTube channel and you can also browse courses provided by him in Coursera.

5. Michael Dillon

Author of “How to get a job in Data Analytics” Michael helps people land a job in data analysis by providing proven strategies and online networking techniques. He is quite active on his LinkedIn profile and shares valuable tips regarding job hunting and interview prep, moreover he created a website (link) that hosts his course, consisting of Data experts who share their interview preparation tips. You should check his profile and website to see for yourself.

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