May 29, 2023

Top YouTube Channels to Ace the Data Analyst Interview

If you're looking to break into the world of data science, there's a good chance you'll need to go through a rigorous interview process. Data science interviews can be notoriously tough, but there are resources out there that can help you prepare.

One of the best places to start is YouTube. There are countless channels out there that are specifically designed to help data science candidates prepare for their interviews. Here are just a few of the top channels to check out:

1. DataCamp

Subscribers: 145K

DataCamp is a popular online learning platform for data science, but they also have a YouTube channel that's packed with helpful content. Their videos cover a wide range of topics, from programming in Python to machine learning and beyond. If you're looking for a comprehensive resource to help you prepare for your interview, DataCamp is a great place to start.

YouTube Link: DataCamp - YouTube

2. Ken Jee

Subscribers: 242K

Ken Jee is a data scientist and YouTuber who has created a number of videos specifically designed to help people prepare for data science interviews. His videos cover everything from technical topics like SQL and machine learning to interview-specific topics like how to answer common interview questions. If you're looking for an all-around resource to help you prepare for your data science interview, Ken Jee's channel is a great choice.

YouTube Link: Ken Jee - YouTube

3. Krish Naik

Subscribers: 749K

Krish Naik is a data scientist who runs a popular YouTube channel that's full of tutorials and tips for aspiring data scientists. His videos cover everything from basic programming concepts to more advanced topics like neural networks and deep learning. If you're looking for a channel that will help you develop a deep understanding of data science concepts, Krish Naik's channel is a great place to start.

Youtube Link: Krish Naik - YouTube

4. StatQuest with Josh Starmer

Subscribers: 922K

Josh Starmer's channel is a bit different than the others on this list. Rather than providing in-depth tutorials, he creates short, to-the-point videos that explain complex data science concepts using visual aids. If you're someone who learns better through visual aids than by reading through long articles, StatQuest is a great resource to check out.

YouTube: StatQuest with Josh Starmer - YouTube

5. Sentdex

Subscribers: 1.23M

Sentdex is another great YouTube channel for aspiring data scientists. His videos cover a wide range of topics, from basic programming concepts to more advanced topics like natural language processing and machine learning. If you're looking for a resource that will help you build your technical skills, Sentdex is a great place to start.

YouTube: Sentdex - YouTube


If you're preparing for a data science interview, YouTube channels can be an incredibly helpful resource. Whether you're looking for in-depth tutorials or short, to-the-point explanations, these are one of many channels out there that can help you prepare. By leveraging the power of YouTube, you can boost your chances of acing your next data science interview and landing the job of your dreams.

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